Thursday, October 16, 2014

Performance Art

Performance Art
An art form that combines visual art with dramatic performance.

Of all the performance art we had to read about and watch, my favorite by far was the flash mobs. In order to coordinate so many people and have them all perform specific functions on Que is no easy undertaking. At first I thought the mob was just there to stand still as one person was rocking out, making her performance significantly more dramatic then it would have been had everyone in the audience been dancing. But as more people slowly started to join in her motions it became clear that there would be a trickling effect throughout the crowd. Having so many people doing the exact same motions was very impressive. However, I found myself laughing that the Black Eyed Peas eventually had a rigged audience, they were going to get applause no matter how poorly they sung. Another good example of this was, having only one musician to begin with, then having another join in, and then another and so on was really interesting to see and hear. The music grew as would be expected as more musicians joined in, but seeing them walk through a crowd to preform is different then only hearing them join in on Que in an orchestra. It gave the music a kind of life that is not normally there with just sound alone.

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